How to change default uploads folder to another folder

For security reasons and branding, it is important to change the default “wp-content/uploads” folder to another folder. In this article, we will see how to change the folder. This process requires knowledge of coding and if you are not aware of coding, your website may crash. You can hire our experts through whatsapp on

Step 1: Backup your website
Step 2: Access wp-config.php file through cpanel or file manager
Step 3: Add the following lines of code above the line that says /* That’s all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */:
define('UPLOADS', 'uploads');
in path of “uploads” you can add any custom path
Step 4: Create folder with the name mentioned above
Step 5: Copy the data in folder “wp-content/uploads” to new folder. If not, old images which are already uploaded will not work.

Posted in Security.

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